Fathers Lobby
The founding fathers of the United States created a foundation that provides the greatest freedoms, rights, and abilities to keep the government serving the citizens. That framework obligates good family men and women to take an active role to ensure the legislatures make the most advantageous laws that follow the Constitutions of the United States and every State.
The Father's Lobby is the organization of chosen lobbyists to track and hold accountable the individuals within the government.
Make Laws Legal Again!
The Goal Process Book, Revised for US DADS
Introduction Audio
It is difficult enough that American Dads are under siege and being removed from their families. Morris Anderson knows this better than anyone. His saving grace to surviving the harsh treatment of our family court system has been his own teaching from the Goal Process Morris and his children rely on to navigate into a better future.
28 years of coaching youth, Morris developed the Goal Process, and publishes it under the Name Izeneyes And The Goal Process. These teachings have been improved every year for the past 12 years. It is your turn to improve from these lessons.
American Dads need inspiration now more than ever to become better fathers so they may be leaders and incredible mentors in their homes. It begins by improving every man so he can teach his children. Morris and his children are proud to present Izeneyes and see the lives of American Families continue to grow into long-lasting memories.